Motorcycle Action Drill Team
Act Description

Ok.. Our Show has finally evolved into a very well rounded performance.
Each Show Contains the following:
1. Before each performance we invite children up to the Globe to peer inside the globe and ask whatever questions they may have. (From Outside the structure)
2. Demonstrations are between 8 and 15 minutes in length (depending on the amount of the crowd...more questions and answers with a larger crowd.)
3. There is a questions and Answers segment and brief history of the Act
4. Sometimes A bicycle is used to demonstrate simple centrifugal force (depending on the type of show and insurance restrictions)
5. We give a brief history on each Rider before they enter the Globe
6. We Do the actual performance and sometimes ask for audience participation (depending on the type of show)
7. We conclude our performance and thank the crowd
8. We sometimes offer Concessions such as Photos and t-shirts sales(depending on the type of show and proprietary restrictions depending on individual location variables)
9. Autographs and Thank you's10. Sometimes a TEAR DOWN show is performed after the last performance when prior approved...Free performance...believe it or not... people are always curious how it goes together or comes apart! This is a 1.5 hour performance!
10: This is a LIVE Demonstration and not defined as a Stunt. A stunt is a calculated risk not knowing an outcome such as a motorcyce jump. The globe has been successfully performed millions of times since May 03, 1904. This demonstration will feature every choreographed routine execued exactly the same for years. The WORD: "Stunt Girl" is utilized as a PT BARNUM style attraction name to stimulate the anxiety and excitement as spectators witness the "Optical Illusion" known as the Globe of Danger. The "Stunt Girl" will stand in the Bottom/center of the SPHERE where it is the safest location due to the fact that the scientific formula of centrifugal/outward force does not apply while the choreography is performed. The appreaance of the performers only appear to get close to her when in fact they are over a meter away.
OK... this is confusing to most people... I offer an EVENT PRICE...not aPer-Performance or Per-Day Price...ok... say for Example you have a Corporate Event and you need us to do 1 performance! The Prices posted on my site is what it will cost you! If you have only 1 performance that day... that is the price...ok!
NOW... say you have a 3 day motorcycle Rally... and you need us to do 3 shows per day for 3 days... it is the same price as posted on the site...YES! it is the same price as the guy above who only needs 1 performance! Why? Because it still costs the same to drive, set up, tear down and drive back... the insurance is the same... everything... the guy who needs us for 3 days gets a better deal! Why? Just because that is the nature of the industry (I would rather do 1 show and come back home too...)
Are we clear? Lets Review: Your Event is a 1 day Event or 1 Performance (Corporate Event) or (Rally) 3 days/9 performances = The Price!
The Price Structure is Not Per Day! It is Per Event (based on a Maximum of 3 Days!)a 4th day is Pro-Rated! Contact us for 4-14 day Event PricingThe price of the act includes: Maximum= 3 Shows per day, 3 consecutive days. If your Event is ONLY 1 day... that is the Price...don't keep us around to do extra performances just because you are trying to get the most for your Buck! If your event needs 1 performance 1 day event= same price. ( any number of performances whether it 1 performance or 9 performances.
The price is the same! you can choose from: 1st day= 1-3 performances ( a maximum total of 3 on this day, if you don't need 3 and you wish to only use 1 performance that is ok...or even 2 performances...but 3 performances is the maximum total for any day)Keep the Performances at least 2 Hours apart please...:)
2nd day= 1-3 performances (a total of 6 performances over a period of 2 days). the price is the same!
3rd day= 1-3 performances ( a total of 9 performances over a period of 3 days). the price is the same!
Example: Your event starts on March 19-21 ok....We will do 3 shows per day on the 19th, 3 shows per day on the 20th. and 3 shows per day on the 21st. Just choose 2 bikes or 3 bikes in the zone where your event is held... that is the price.
Example: your event starts on April 3 (1 day event) we only need to perform 1 show and we are finished, just choose 2 bikes or 3 bikes in the zone where you event is held... that is the price. IT COSTS US THE SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY TO DRIVE TO THE EVENT,
-----IF YOU HAVE ANY MORE QUESTIONS PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CALL ME. 702-287-3762 (it's better to contact me thru this website)
IMPORTANT: WE ONLY SET UP THE GLOBE IN 1 LOCATION PER PRICE. YOU CANNOT HAVE US DO A SHOW IN ONE LOCATION AND EXPECT US TO TEAR DOWN THE "GLOBE" AND MOVE IT TO ANOTHER LOCATION IN ORDER TO GET THE MAXIMUM (9) PERFORMANCES OUT OF US. THERE IS A HUGE CHARGE TO DO THAT AND 8 HOURS OF LABOR! ( you wonder why say this with capital letters... because promoters, organizers, event coordinators and others have tried to do this... so I just say it up front.)
We can do it for an additional charge.How Much??? $800.00 Extra...to do a second location! That Does Not Include Riding! This is for Display Purposes. For Example: Say the Ford Dealership is the Sponsor of your Event... and for $800... we can Put it up the Day Before to Advertise...remember...no riding is included...Display purposes only! How much to ride? Contact me via the contact page and ask me...around $1,200. + $800 (second location fee) = $2,000. on TOP of the regular Price... Let the FORD dealer pay that... we have labor , insurance and RISK...